Friday, January 6, 2023

NASCAR Drivers

Ok. Full transparency. One of the personal motivators for this series of parables is my ever-increasing frustration with other drivers. There. I said it.

Because my place of employment is over 150 miles from home, you can guess that I spend quite a bit of time on the road each week. With every trip, I'm traversing rural, state, and federal highways always bustling with local and interstate traffic. Each exposure brings me into a state of frustration with those who blatantly break traffic law or are inconsiderate for the safety of others. 

I confess that I'm not the greatest driver in the world. There are some people who may have these same issues with me. But in my defense, I strive to obey the law and take others into account with every driving decision made. Everyone else... "What do you think you are, a NASCAR driver?" Yep. That's my exact thought. (Please forgive.)


Spiritually speaking, we all barrel through life self-absorbed and thinking that we're immortal without considering the impact of our actions on those around us. Most of the time, such "driving" affects only ourselves. And, even though self-preservation and self-care is important, the damage that sometimes occurs can be fairly contained. On the other hand, "reckless driving" - decisions made without consideration for others - can cause multi-car pileups on this road of life which we travel together.

God says in His Word that the greatest commandment is to love Him with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength; the second greatest, love your neighbor. Are you thinking of others as you navigate through life? Or, are you only thinking of yourself?

Life is not to be handled like a NASCAR race, but rather like a family road trip.

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