Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Potholes, Obstacles & Detours

If you stay on the road long enough, you're bound to encounter common travel hazards in the form of poor road conditions and obstructions that may result in detours or vehicle damage if not avoided. Many times, such obstacles are noticed with enough time to react while other times they seem to appear out of nowhere.

In addition to the possibility of vehicle damage, the driver suffers as well - sometimes for only the duration of having to contend with the issue at hand and other times, if poor road conditions continue, a buildup of stress and anxiety over what is coming next. And, if the stress continues to build, the evidence and symptoms can even spill over onto passengers and other drivers even to the point of anger with the situation.

Anticipating such an outcome, roadway management and crews set up detours to get you around what lies ahead. Some detours are suggested while others are mandatory. None-the-less, a change in the path you are on can save time, expense, and depending on the hazard, maybe even your life.


Spiritually speaking, this road of life presents each and every one of us similar problems with family, friends, work, etc. - each with their own potholes and obstacles. But there is a better way: God-given detours that can take you off a road filled with stress and dismay onto a much better path.

Because these spiritual detours are not mandatory, the real question is, will you take it? Surprisingly, most will not. Most will believe they can rough-ride it out only to discover they should have exited a long way back. 

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