Ninety-nine percent of people boldly offer their "expert" opinions from the sidelines while being unqualified and unwilling to participate in the actual game.
With regards to travel, we've all experienced something similar (with some exceptions): unsolicited driving instructions freely offered by a passenger. "Backseat driving" can result in a stressful and even dangerous environment. And although the person may be knowledgeable and qualified, unless invited to help navigate, for most, this is unwelcome annoyance.
Spiritually speaking, if we have accepted Jesus as Lord, Savior, and Master of our lives, then the Bible says that each of us has become a new creature in Christ. That "old man" you were now takes a back seat to the new man you are becoming. However, cries from that old man is an attempt to put you right back on the road you once traveled. Heeding his directions will, most assuredly, result in him being placed right back in the driver's seat.
The Word tells us we encounter a daily struggle with whom we allow to help us down this highway of life. And although voices from both friend and foe attempt to sway our decisions, God offers us His Holy Spirit as the professional driving instructor and navigator.
God will never force himself into the driver seat - that's your position - while receiving assistance is your decision. Choose navigation rather than aggravation.