Our spiritual journey down a winding road of life is sometimes the same: not always black and white, crisp and clear. Sometimes, what we're trying to see is somewhere in a gray haze. We try to do our best while hoping we don't run off the road. In those moments, it takes some extra effort to stay focused on the path ahead and not get distracted by the things that are simply passing by. There are even times when it may be wise to just stop in your tracks and wait it out until things become clearer. Yes. It may delay the arrival at your destination, but it's much better to arrive in one piece than "fall to pieces" while enroute.
The Word of God puts it this way... sometimes... be still and know that I AM. Wait on The LORD. Then, when proper vision is regained, the world around you can be seen in a much clearer light and you're better equipped to stay on that straight and narrow path.
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