Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Check Your Silence Switch

I recently acquired a new iPhone after using an Android for several years. Along with this new purchase came the frustrations of trying to use the thing. But, I was determined to make the transition.

This morning, I awoke to notifications that I had missed 21 text messages, five calls, and two voicemails the night before - all from my employer, so I knew it was important.

"What?! How did this happen?!" Frustration erupted in my confusion over what could have occurred to miss all these communication attempts. 

"I knew this would happen," I thought, followed by going through all the settings to confirm I had not overlooked anything.

"It must be the cellular service," was my next conclusion. If it's not the phone, then it has to be the service provider. I was absolutely certain.

Then a bit of doubt crept in, "Did I sleep through all of this? Unlikely. Not ALL of those attempts. It has to be the phone or the service. No other reason."

And then it hit me... the slider switch on the side. Yep. It was switched to silent. When? Oh, yeah. Earlier that day. I had forgotten all about it.


Spiritually speaking, when things are tough - and even when things are going well, we can feel disconnected from God. You know. That "I just don't hear from Him anymore" feeling. And, we start blaming everything and everyone (even Him) without taking time to truly examine ourselves.

Is your "silence switch" turned ON? Maybe it is and you had forgotten all about it. Maybe it was long ago in a fit of anger over life's problems, or due to bitterness toward someone, or the loss of a loved one, or just simple laziness. 

I'd challenge you to, as the Word says, examine yourself daily and test yourself to see if all settings are in proper order. Go back to remember the time when your spiritual ears were switched OFF and address the issue to set it right. 

He's always trying to connect with us. We just have to be set and ready to receive Him when He calls.

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