Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Significant Insignificance

Preparing for an upcoming out-of-state trip, I've been inspecting my vehicle to ensure everything is in proper working order. In the process, I noticed that my tires will need to replaced fairly soon due to worn tread.

When the time comes for the tires to be replaced, another item of inspection will be the valve stems that protrude from the wheel through which the tires are pressurized. If the stems are made of rubber - which most are, an inspection will be bypassed in favor of outright replacement due to the extremely low cost of the item.
With that said, spending hundreds if not thousands on new tires is a fruitless effort if defective stems remain. The end result will ultimately be that of a need for roadside assistance somewhere along the way.
Also, consider the fact that the failure of a small, mostly insignificant part can bring your entire vehicle (and road trip) to an immediate halt. If and when that time comes, with focus now on that once meaningless part, great importance is now placed on its proper performance. Otherwise, an extremely valuable vehicle becomes a powerless hunk of metal sitting on the roadside.


Spiritually speaking, take time to recognize, genuinely appreciate, and show gratitude to those who work behind the scenes in your Church body: janitors, nursery workers, kitchen staff, security, secretaries, grounds caretakers, volunteers, and the list goes on and on. Without such people, it's highly likely that the various ministries of the Body of Christ would easily come to a screeching halt. Unnoticed? Probably most of the time. Insignificant? Not in the least.
Don't wait until your Church or ministry comes to a halt before providing attention to all of the "working parts within". It takes every part of the vehicle working properly and in unison to make the road trip not only a success, but also enjoyable.

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